Consultation and Coaching

Coaching and mentorship is one form of professional development that supports the practice of Montessori educators. The AMI (Canada) office coordinates mentorship through consultation visits for teachers and schools.

A consultation visit can be requested by a teacher or school as a means of professional development. Sometimes, consultation is requested to address a specific area of the program or prepared environment. Various areas of focus can include the design and set-up of indoor and outdoor environments, establishing a new school, staff training and development, implementation of a Montessori program, quality assurance and improvement.

It is recommended that one day per class be allocated to allow the consultant to see all aspect of the program. The consultation includes a review of the prepared environment, observation of the children and adults at work and observation of the routines and transitions throughout the day. Following observation, the consultant meets with staff to discuss the observation, answer questions and offer recommendations to support the work of the adults and to enhance the Montessori program. Feedback can be verbal only or can be provided in a written report.

The team of consultants in Canada consists of Trained AMI Consultants and/or AMI Trainers. The guiding principles are those taught on AMI training courses and those promoted by AMI as international criteria for best practice in Montessori education. Consultants will also provide Parent Information talks upon request.

Consultation is a key component of AMI’s Montessori Quality Assurance program and is available upon request to any individual teacher or school.

Contact the AMI (Canada) office ( for more information.